As you can see, Achilles has this inbuilt radar for annoying people, he wants out ASAP, like yesterday already. Uncle Apollo thinks it's hilarious to torment young souls. sigh. Not much has changed.
I like standing next to Uncle Apollo cos he actually makes me look white. I can stop taking those gluthiathingymebob pills now.
I don't know why UA has that look on his face, it's not like the first time he's been incarcerated before.
Only Ate Alex and I cos UA isn't strong enough to carry 'lil' Achi and Achi is a good judge of character.UA walks in the door and picks us up. And there I was comfy watching Barney and then comes along UA to squash my soiled nappies. How am I supposed to get rid of this rash?
This is my 'nervous, I don't know who you are, why are you holding me?' laugh
So ol Uncle Apollo disappears out of our lives like a 'rat out of an aquaduct' and comes out of nowhere like the proverbial I don't know but it definitely gave us a pleasant surprise. Especially for Ate Alex, Achilles and me.
Here are the pics of our reunion :)
Don't you think he should cut his hair by now?
Sharing is Caring
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Prodigal Tito
Friday, May 1, 2009
OMFGWTF?!?! Swine fLu?
I woke up after my 18hr beauty nap to update my blog and lo and f***ing behold my porcine pet lies stiff amidst his own muck. At first I thought that it was piggy playing games with me but the X's told the real story...
I'm worried now cos I've had recent contact with pigs... Ay Caramba, Dios Mio, Boots!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
(Dr.) Achilles
I'm Back!!!
Wooooorld...Here I Come!
My apologies to those that regularly visit and find nothing new, I've been busy growing up. It's such a hard thing to do.
Learning how to walk. I can't understand why we need to use the legs. Why do we have four limbs? It's so much easier crawling, I have easy access to the DVD player. Dora for President! But I've gotten used to walking now. It frees up the hands. I never knew there were so many buttons around the house. I like pressing them. Some make funny noises and it always gets a 'NOOO" from mum and dad. Si usted es un trabajador social que entienda EspaƱol. Ayuda! jk :p
Dealing with teeth. nyeh! Who needs teeth when you have milk!?! No seriously. I couldn't stop their impending growth even those rubber things they give me to push them back didn't work. But they were cool...sooper cool!
It's been hard growing up so fast cos I never have anything my size in my wardrobe. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. :D Good thing I have Ate Alex around. I use the clothes that she moulted out of. Thanks Ate. Love you. :*
Anyway, got to go, Dora's going to be on in a few minutes. I so L.O.V.E Dora.
Ella es la bomba!! hehehe
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Clan
In blue; Tita Abi 'Chikbones',
In white with stripes, Tita Annabel 'Ilong',
My mama Ada 'Ading',
UP shirt, Tita Ann Marie 'Payatot',
In Pink, Tito Apol 'Bochog',
My Uncle Apollo 'Regular readers will be familiar with him',
In red, Tito Ace 'Kalbo',
and of course my cousins Alexandra Mae and Achilles
The Clan got together once more... We are FAMILY!!!