This is my mum...I love her so much that I'll hug her so tight

This is my papa...I love him so much I'll give him a hug THIS big

This is Uncle Apollo...erm...let me think about that one

Yes, I have socks on my hands. No, I have not evolved into a quadruped.
It's just a precaution that my mum has been taking cos I've been getting really sore gums lately and taken to sucking my hands and sometimes I get really irritated with Uncle Apollo that I pull my hair out and tear at my ears. Hence the socks.
I lost a sock last week and I asked Uncle Apollo to help me find a match for my sock.
He said, "Why? You gonna burn it?"
I was meant to have my monthly checkup / vaccination for several bad things..tetanus, leprosy, bullets. The following pictures should give you a fair idea of my ordeal...but I made it through alive...what was it that they say? What doesn't kill you only makes you more pissed off...

The Weigh-in...5.2kgs


With my Lola

Ready for the big fight...

I've been working out a bit the last month so they're really worried that I might overpower them...took three of them to hold me down

Yep! It f***ing hurts. I don't normally cry but GOD! that really really hurt...

But I'm made of strong stuff...just give me a hand...and I'll be ok

Next on the list is...*drum roll* EARS PIERCED!!! So Uncle Apollo would stop referring to me as his nephew...

No doubt this is my mum...and I'm her daughter
I love you mummy!!!
I was thinking..."It's pretty and all...but I can't exactly eat it" Well at least you won't let me...hehehe but Uncle Apollo gave me some...didn't feel too well after that either...I couldn't shit for days

Dunno what went wrong here...or this is another of Uncle Apollo's 'artwork'

Quickly stuffing my face with cake before mum finds out...doh...too late

Yep! I successfully made it through my second month alive...hmmm...I wonder if they're going to buy me a cake for every month alive? hmmm indeed

I'm not quite sure who looks more foolish...but I didn't choose to be in this position

Help! Someone dial 911, 999, 000, 112...whatever your local emergency number is

I am not impressed that you can text with your left hand

Dr. Evil and Dr. No have nothing compared to this guy, Dr. No (Idea)

Even when you sit down you're also
sakang (bow-legged)

M: Baby, Let's trim your eyelashes...
A: Ooh...that sounds like a GREAT idea...NOT!

Like I have a choice...sigh...just wait till I grow up

This isn't happening...this is just a bad dream

Be like an ostrich...if I close my eyes it's not happening

I posted this while I was chatting with my Papa...It doesn't look that fancy but the important thing is, it's pictures of my family...even though it's just on screen for that little while we are complete.
I love you Papa...I hope you come home soon so you can protect me from Uncle Apollo.
Write me a message Papa...in the box on the right --->

I was slightly shocked to see what Uncle Apollo was looking at...2 Girls 1 Cup or something like that...I'm going to be scarred for life now...I always suspected that there was something about Uncle Apollo...VERY wrong

My cousin Alex and I spend a lot of quality time together. I learn a lot of things from her. Here, we're trying to see if we can read each other's thoughts...through osmosis

Here she teaches me how to salute "Yes Sir!" or was it that we were playing 'Alex Says...touch your head'

Watching my mum pump some more milk for me...can't you see me drooling?

Ate Alex told me this joke...
Uncle Apollo walks into a bar...OUCH...

I noticed that Lola had the same things that my mum has on her chest...I think they call it cleavage...I felt a bit left out...

I closed my eyes, concentrated really hard...I think I have one now...

I watched this Masai warrior doco on the National Geographic Channel the other day...thought I'd give it a go...

This is another piece of artwork from Uncle Apollo...loves his abstract shit...