There was something funny that I was dreaming about...something about pulling Uncle Apollo's armpit hairs with tweezers...Hilarious...if only I gained motor control over these digits of mine...
Oh how I love a good laugh now and then...
Forget Monty Python...give me crude physical humour any day...fart jokes? Love em!
Sharing is Caring
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sweet Dreams...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sweet Tooth...
Well Halloween came and Uncle Apollo went Trick n Treating...he didn't need to dress up...if you see him when he wakes up you'll know what I mean...and he came back and put me in another ridiculous pose...with something from his goody bag...
It's strawberry...I can't remember what it tastes mum took it out of my hand and shoved it up Uncle Apollo's ****...
Hello? Hello? Is this thing on?
Monday, October 29, 2007
With my cousin Alex...
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Lounging around in the Lounge...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Workin Hard...
Friday, October 26, 2007
My First Ad Campaign...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Read em and weep...
I was playing poker with Uncle Apollo the other day (yes I know, he's a bad influence) and he went all in. I figured that he was bluffing so I called...Full House baby! He was bluffing with 2s,3d,4h,5s,9c and I won the pot.
He now owes me 2 tins of milk, a packet of diapers and he's paying for my first birthday...hehehe...there's a sucker born every minute...and the thing was I knew that he was using the mechanic's grip...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Watch Me for 3mins and 30secs...Trust Me I'm At My Most Adorable...
You won't regret it...It's a good way to waste 200 odd seconds
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Golden Moments...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The rest of the clan...
My Tita AnnMarie...finding that my colic is funny stuff...
This is my secretive Tita Abi, I think she works for the CIA or something...I know that her boss once killed a...erm...gnatThis is my Uncle Ace (remember Ate Alex with the rubber gloves and stethoscope?) I think he's trying to make fun of my upper lip...hmmm...he'd better be careful or he'll join Uncle Apollo in the bad books
This is my Tita Annabel...I don't like the look she's giving me...looks like she wants me to shut up...hmmm...I was just trying to sing 'A Whole New World'
Friday, October 19, 2007
Big Bro...Sister...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
These Mozzies Are Enormous...
They call AIDs and malaria 'millionaire diseases" cos of the fact that millions have it...luckily I'm not a good mum bought me this shell for me to play hide and seek from the ravages of those mosquitoes the size of my Uncle Apollo's ****, well in that case I'm safe...the mozzies are pretty small...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Big 1...Month
They have this thing where due to the infant mortality rates they celebrate life after 1 month. Apparently I'm very lucky to be still alive. Who knows I may well fall off this mortal coil / baby recliner tomorrow....
Ribbit ribbit ...Another fantastic piece of art... Uncle Apollo... sigh
Waiting for the guests to arrive...eagerly anticipating their entrance
Are they here yet? The food is getting cold...
Is that thing on? You going to count down? No? Bad photo...
Grandma - more excited than I am...
My Tita Ann and her bodyguard Randy, mali Bogs is his name I'm told...He's a nice fellow...doesn't say much but he gave me some nice things to play with...
GOING, GOING, GONE...couldn't bothered waiting for my guests...zzzzzz
We had this cookup for this big occasion...I was celebrating 43 265 seconds on this earth... I can't remember the exact menu but it was something like, caviar (the real stuff from the sturgeon none of the cheaper variety) lobster thermidor, beef stroganoff, yorkshire pudding and finished off with some truffles...or maybe I dreamt that.
There were Filipino food things that I don't know but since my mum wouldn't let me eat any I don't really care...hmph...big occasion for me and all I get is milk...not even allowed a slice of cakeIf you look closely at the three pictures'll see the conspiracy that took place...the question is "How did the candle blow itself out when I was asleep?" Hmmm...
The cake that they wouldn't let me eat! Well I'm going to make sure that my intestines are ready by the time they throw another party for's hoping I have a second month party
Monday, October 15, 2007
I Make Freddy Kruger Cry...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
My first bath...
I keep on saying that my Uncle Apollo and I are opposites but there was a time where I was like him ... I didn't bathe for weeks on end. Not through personal choice purely for health reasons but after my umbiological cord dropped off I could get wet.
And so we conducted a three phase operation. My grandma was the head of operations while Ate Alex was her second in command. Happily spreading bubbles ... tiny bubbles ... make me feel warm ... a few of you out there might know the song ;)
By Phase 3 I was smelling like ... erm ... clean. Not rancid milk, acidic diarrhoea or cigarettes or whiskey...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Reason #413 Why Uncle Apollo Won't Get A Christmas Card...
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I should have had this doctor...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
This is my Ob-Gyn (or should I say my mum's) Dra. Asunio. I've known her since I was really small. We go way back. Me and her Doppler thing used to bounce ideas off each other in the womb.
Here she is stopping by one day during my hospital stay. So nice of her. She had lots of things to do cos doctors are always busy but she managed a few minutes to see me and my mum.
There's a history between Doc Asunio and our family. My Ate Alex was delivered by her, I was delivered by her and my future cousin will be delivered by her. She hasn't gone wrong yet.
But I think Grandpa was hoping she'll pop out a boy soon.