Sharing is Caring
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Photo Session...
I was bored and didn't have much to do so I decided to take some pictures. The following are the results of 5 minutes of inspired boredom. Enjoy!
Friday, September 28, 2007
My trip to the Sahara...
I didn't really take a trip to just looks like it. Yes I look sunburnt and have dry skin but apparently it's normal for babies. Where's a decent moisturizer when you need one?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Brrr...It's cold in here...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Growing pains...
The doctor's told my mum that I had some infection that I got from her. That was why I was so quiet. Truth be known I had nothing interesting to talk about. Well anyway I had contracted UTI from my mum and so I lost my appetite and these guys had to force feed me with a teat pipette. They did other things to me which I'll post in another article.
Here's solid evidence that the drugs my mum took were strong enough to down a horse. I love that look on her face.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
First moments with my Mum...
I've some time recently (well, a lot in fact) to upload pictures of when I was born. I tell you what it brings back memories. It's almost like...last week...sigh...nostalgia kicks in...
After months of hearing my mum's voice it was good to finally see her face (though blurry). I know what it's like to finally 'eyeball' someone. My mum is still under the influence when this was taken. I was worried about falling off the bed. That's why I got the nurse to put the side rail up. Can't be too careful these days. Prevention is better than whatever it is they say...
I'm glad that I never got the freckles from my mum. I've nothing against them but I'm glad that I'll save thousands on facial products when I'm older (unless Pond's sponsor me - hint hint)
I think that's my uncle Apollo's finger. Note the death cold stare mixed with a hint of disgust, wishing to him make my day...punk. I don't know where that finger's been...Eeewww...
Monday, September 24, 2007
A really great trick...
I like to test my mum and whoever else is in the vicinity with my constant crying and loud screaming. It's really funny watching them trying to decide what's wrong with me, particularly my uncle Apollo who progressively disappears as the decibels increase.
I uploaded a video where I display my vocal range. Sorry for the end where the video goes wrong way up. I'm not quite sure how to manipulate the editing program.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Let's see if this is true...
I'm not particularly into horoscopes and all that bosh but here's one that my mum really hopes is true.
Virgo children are usually quite easy to raise. They are neat, organized, and have a gentle sense of humor that you will enjoy.
They are rarely hateful and mean. They are so well behaved that I think most parents just sort of leave them to themselves since they are like miniature adults. One of the hardest things about being a really good kid is that you melt into the woodwork and nobody notices you anymore.
Virgo children are seldom the in your face types, demanding that Mommy and Daddy ‘look at me, look at me!’ They are often the ‘goodly child’ hidden behind the more dynamic and boisterous children. We are so relieved to have the low maintenance Virgo child, that we often ignore their deeper emotional needs while we focus on our other children.
Many adult Virgos have a quiet loneliness in their eyes that they pretend is not really there. However, it is there, and it effects many of their decisions and choices as adults. They will give and give of themselves without really allowing anyone else into their inner world, because they really do not know how to connect on a deeper level.
They just know how to be the ‘good kid’ and from their perspective that means not needing anything from anyone.
Your Virgo child is the one to call into the kitchen when the Tupperware drawer is overflowing and everything is all catawampus. They will be more then happy to restack and reorganize it for you and it will only take them a quick minute to do so.
They are so very helpful and almost always happy to help you with your various chores around the house. The problem is that they begin to think that the only way to get love or to show love is through hands on work.
They grow up to have wonderful work ethics, but really are emotionally crippled. They know what they feel in their heart of hearts, but do not have any idea how to show or express love in any other manner.
Make a special effort to show your Virgo child that they mean more to you then just good little workers. Teach them other ways to share their hearts besides just their natural willingness to roll up their sleeves and get to work.
Virgos also seem to pick up the idea that in order to be lovable, they need to be perfect. As adults, they can easily become extreme perfectionists. They become quite meticulous and it is a great asset in an employee, but not always the best thing for someone’s self-
Let your Virgo child know that if they fail once in awhile or if they are not the best of the best, that you still love them for who they are on the inside, not for how well they perform their jobs.
Do not downplay their natural talents and their wonderful eye for detail, just make sure that they know that you would love them even if they were not so detail-
Some Virgos have a tendency towards becoming hypochondriacs. This is probably a result of their desire to be physically perfect and it also gives them an excuse not to have to always be at peak performance levels.
If you teach your Virgo child at a young age about the mind-
One of the greatest gifts you can give to your Virgo child is the freedom to laugh. They have a naturally playful spirit and by teaching them to laugh at how overly serious life can seem, you can free them from a lot of their stress. Get them to loosen up and laugh at themselves once in awhile.
Make a special effort to point out to your little Virgo how much you love to see them happy and laughing. Let them know how funny they are and that they should take more time to play and tell silly jokes. Once you unlock the humor within their hearts, you will have given them one of the most precious gifts.
Laughter really is the best medicine and if they can whistle while they work, they will relax and have fun with it. By encouraging your Virgo child to touch that childlike spirit of playfulness within, you are giving them permission to be themselves and to find joyful expressions of what is inside their hearts.
Give them permission to sing and dance and play, and you give them permission to be less than perfectly mature grown ups. Tell your Virgo again and again how much you love them for simply existing just as they are.
Like I said earlier I don't think any of it is true but in the other hand it's for my mum and dad to know how to raise me so I don't turn out to be a hypochondriac perfectionist.
So much thanks from:
Saturday, September 22, 2007
My Papa...
I'm so glad that I've learnt so much from my mum about using the Internet and stuff because it means that I can reach out to my dad over in Kyrgyzstan or was it Kiribati (He's actually in Kuwait). He chats to me but since I can't read that well yet (cos my eyes refuse to focus right now) he whispers things to me through the headphones. I love my dad. And I know that he loves me. I can't wait to see him (in person).
We use Yahoo Messenger to chat with each other almost every night, that is when I'm not sleeping. I posted a couple of screencaps during the first chat session I had with him. I guess the open mouth, big-eyed expression was cos I couldn't believe how good looking my dad is.
But I really don't appreciate the early wake ups sometimes, the time difference really plays with my body clock. We chat sometimes after his work and that means nighttime at his end of the world and very early morning here. Yawn...I hope he comes home soon.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Boxing Athena...
It's funny how people are already starting to have ideas of what I'll be when I grow up based on what I do. It may have been too many Rocky movies that my mum watched. I think she has the hots for Rocky. I just want to to say...I will not be a boxer!!! and what?! ruin this lovely face? Not a chance. And anyway, there's no money to be had in women's boxing...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
9 months in the womb can give you such a crick in the neck...
Credit must go out to the people who brought us Aladdin. I recall hearing that movie when I was still inside my mum. I empathize with Genie when he came out of the lamp. It's fantastic how much room I have, no boundaries, no limitations as much room as I want to kick around. Feels good I tell you.
But then these people keep on wrapping me up and it bothers me a lot. All I want is some freedom to move and finally I come out then they imprison me again...sigh...when can I be released from these chains?Here's a rare opportunity of me kicking around giving the muscles a good workout. My mum and I are both glad that I'm out cos I know that my mum was complaining that I was kicking real hard near the end and I certainly was getting irritated with the space constraints. Well, not anymore. The world is my playground. Now if only I can hide those blankets.
It's not jaundice...
Here's me when you turn me into a Simpsons character. Doesn't really do justice to me but can't complain. Sorry I haven't been updating my blog but sleeping is so much fun. I'll be sure to put some more stuff online.
By the way you too can make your own pics at
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Some of my first visitors...
News had spread quick that I was born and a few of my mum's best friends and family from both sides came around to have a look at me and say nice things like "Awww...ang cute" or "Ang liit" (Trans: So cute and so small), made some comments about how white I am and then asked my mum about giving birth and whether it hurt or not. I think she was glad that I went out the other way.
I think the first lot were my Tito Apol and Tita Lanie. They already have a baby girl Alex(andra) she's 3 yrs old and I feel she and I are going to be best friends for life. Alex is also expecting a baby brother/sister soon. December/January I think.
In the picture are Tita Edna, Tita Wela, Tita Edna's mum and in the back I think it's Tita Edna's boyfriend, Tito Joe/Frank/Philip (something). Tita Edna and Tita Wela and my mum go way back. I think they studied together and now work together at the CIAFBIMMDADSWD or something like that.
Then came along my Dad's dad, Grandpa Romy (Lolo Romy in Tagalog). I think he was thinking, why I was so white. He tried hard not to be too shocked. I think he wanted a boy.Then there was my Tita Ann-Marie (younger sister of my mum). I'm sure she's going that "Wow! Ang puti! Mana sakin" (Tr: Wow so white! She got it from me). She works at this telecom company and I hear she's going to line me up with the latest Sony Ericsson K850i. Sweet...5 megapixels...I'm drooling right now
One of the last visitors/trespassers was my uncle Apollo. He smells of cigarettes and alcohol and I hear he's a bit of a player. I don't think sports has anything to do with it. I'm not even sure if he's my uncle. I think he's distantly chimpanzees. Whenever he holds me I just play dead or cry really loud. He doesn't even notice. Asking him for advice on babies is like asking the Pope for dating tips.
Of course the one person (apart from my mum) who had been my side was my dearest grandma (Lola) Dolly. She looked after my mum and me cos we were both incapable of helping ourselves. I love my Lola.
I love it how I haven't even been alive for a day and I already have so many fans. I just love the attention. Makes me feel...loved...special. There's no better feeling.
Here's another video where the adoring crowd go 'goo-goo' over me. They seemed to be delighted that I can open my eyes. In the end they got too close so I sneezed to make sure they keep their distance. They have a saying here that if someone sneezes, someone nearby smells (terrible) most probably my Uncle Apollo. I don't entirely believe it but hey, I'm the newbie, I'm still not accustomed to their the say, "When in Rome..."
Til the next time...yawn